I write this entry smiling and holding a heart shaped diamond necklace in my hand.
I have dreamed of a gift like this from him for so long now, I am so happy the day finally came.
I could tell, when he handed me the white box, that he was proud. That he took the time to stew over which item was the perfect piece to give me. It could have been tin foil in the box, it almost didn't matter. I could read in his eyes that he was happy, excited, and put a lot of thought and love into choosing this gift for me.
For those of you who like to track the progression of a relationship (like myself) here is a point of measurement......
I asked him what it was like picking out this gift compared to what it was like picking out jewelery for previous girlfriends. He said this time, he picked the one, regardless of being expensive, that he wanted me to have. That it said what he wanted it to say.
That present means the world to me.